Monday, 10 March 2014

Happy Anniversay, bonne anniversaire de marriage à nous deux...

I was the one,
Who did not want to make a big deal of a marriage,
To make a big deal but then,
A very small one,
And even nothing,
Or below nothing,
Even, worst of anything!

Marriage is a commitment,
Not a commercial deal,
When I accepted it,
I knew that it would not have been easy,
It might not be what some call the house of dreams,
Two different person,
With 2 different perceptions,
Two different of everything,
Meet and are attracted,
Lots should happen,
They become conscious of what is happenning...

I always saw what was going on around,
And, also somewhere else,
I wanted to be different,
I wanted to make my life through myself,
But, at the same time,
I was quite realistic about what I did not or could not master,
And, one is already complexe,
Two of us is also another One and even more complexe!

I know now,
Much more than before,
It is true,
I never had any expectations,
Beyond what we could make together,
And when I remember the touching phrase you wrote to me,
The one which convinced me to do this adventure with you,
'Happiness cannot be promissed, it is made by two!'.
So, honnest,
And, the honnesty as usual,
Was the richest and the strongest way to have my trust,
Yes, if you had told me,
Promissed me,
The happiness,
We might not have been together,
Because, I am always  happy,
When I am not pushed to the sadness,
Because it is a lie to promiss happiness,
To someone whom you do not know at all yet!
And, especially, when you are so young and ignor your propre self!

I am still impressed how you could have access to this coded phrase,
Or how you made it up!
Because, despite of all I was trying to do,
For not going through this kind of commitment,
Such as, 'a full life together',
And, through all the nonsense situations,
And their stressful impacts and effects,
On many moments of our couple life,
I am still impressed,
And because of that, I stay trustful,
Yes, I can say that we are still working on it,
Yes, at least,
We did not go through a big LIE,
A promis for a fake happiness ...

My dear Bahram,
As you had not been a lie, or wanted a lie,
Today, this day,
I trust that we did not make a mistake by choosing our partners,
We are both truthful,
We are both heartful,
To our judgements,
So, determined for the truth!

Being so different,
Is just something depending on our education,
On our physical and mental differences,
But, what makes us so united,
Is something which is very strong,
Above of all,
The conviction of living theTruth!

We both have our own habits,
We are both so different,
But, we both complete each other,
I may have hated some situations I had to go through,
Because of your lack of understanding,
You might also have gone through the same,
By lack of my understanding,
But, what is the Truth,
We both know we are not interested in lies!

To see the truth,
We need to be two!
We need to be different,
We need to compromise on the truth!
It is so hard to do so,
That is why,
When two people become one couple,
They go trough endless adventures,
Throught lots of trials,
They have to face themselves in different situations,
They have to face the other one's perception of the different situations,
Then, the kids,
Makes it much more complexe,
But, only,
Only, those couples survive,
Appreciate without any regrets,
Those who know,
That the truth is like an onion,
Over the time,
Some layers,
Become thin but strong,
Not good to be eatten,
We always need to peel them out,
Before getting to its juicy healthy layers!

My dear Bahram,
Our dear sons,
Yes, I like many other people, had a hard time to go through this commitment,
But, I am so proud,
Depite of all conversations,
Our endless arguements,
About the truth,
We have lived a true life,
And lie free!

It is so hard to be truthfull,
In a society that makes you believe in so many different experimental experiences,
And, a family functions through them without any previous background,
And should believe in them inorder to be a part of it!
But, still the dignity of human being is,
To live her or his life through her or his time,
While questionning and staying open to the next step and the truth while enjoying life!
While being conscious, that we are just acting in different situations,
Believe that our life and happiness depends on our own personnal perception!

Has our couple reached Happiness?
I ask this question:
What do you mean by Happiness?
An experimental experience,
Or what I had always had by living my life and truthfully!?!
Yes, I always felt happiness,
Even through stressful difficulties,
I experienced happiness,
By my consciousness of being myself,
Doing what I could in my espace and in my time!
Regrette free!
I may say that for you Bahram, too!
More than that,
I do not know what we could have done!

Thanks to us,
For being so courageous,
Many thanks to our wonderful sons,
The most amazing and precious gifts,
We could have ever offered to ourselves,
The most truthful of the truths,
So present in the deepest part of our heart and mind,
The most wonderful happiness,
Can ever exist,
Which ties us forever and makes of the happiest of all!
Thanks to you for being so mature,
And, helping us to face different aspects of us,
And, can understand each other through you!
We hope that we can be an exemple of a fulfilled couple!
And, have more laughters for all of us,
Especially for your families and kids!!!

We love you in our ways,
We respect you in our ways,
We trust you in our ways,
We grow all in our ways,
And all together as a family
Life is the most amazing school, high school, university,
When we observe while studing and practicing!
And, of course, enjoy!!!

Good luck to all young couples!

 With lots of love and laughter!

Shahrzad, March 10th of 2014

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Shahrzad est enchantée de votre visite et vous invite à partager votre art de sagesse,...

Bonjour aux Artistes et Artisans de la vie!!! C'est un grand plaisir de partager avec vous ma passion de vivre l'équilibre en harmonie avec la liberté grâce à la comprehension de ma place et la place de l'autrui dans cette univers...
Alros, je vous remercie pour être vous, pour votre générosité et l'ouverture, joignons à cette foire aux merveilles avec nos oeurves crées par la Passion et Tendresse pour la VIE...

Manoir Ville Marie, ce Cocoon de Paix pour beaucoup de clients réguliers qui y offrent leurs présences authentiques!!! Alors, dormir au Manoir Ville Marie est une expérience à la fois paisible et intéressante.

Participez au tirage d'un Certificat de Cadeau d'une nuit pour deux au Manoir Ville Marie':

Tous les deux mois, il vas avoir un tirage (le premier étant le pre,mier septembre 2011) et le nom du gagnant serait annoncé. sur ce weblog

*Racontez-moi un poème, une petite histoire de sagesse de maximum 500 mots, ou une photo, une peinture...

Je remerci mon très cher fils, Sépandat Stéphane (qui a le regardl très profond sur l'univers et ses êtres) pour m'avoir encourager (plutôt forcé) de faire ce blog en rapport avec mes amis Manoir Ville Marie.

Je remerci mon très cher fils, Maziar Marc (qui a le regard minutieux sur ll'univers et ses êtres) pour m'a aidé (plutôt forcer) d'avoir le courage d'apprendre comment faire ce weblog, toujours disponible pour sa mère, Maziar est un excellent guide et proffesseur.

Enfin, je remerci mon cher mari et compagnon de vie, Bahram Bernard pour m'encourage d'essayer de faire court et simple!!!

A cette étape de ma vie, je crois que la fiérté de l'être humain est dans sa Compréhension de l' cette Compréhension nous guide vers la Conscience qui se manifeste souvent par les Arts, La Créativiyé ou nos Actions. Où La Paix est présente, elle y est présente également.

. Les textes et photos publiés sur ce blog sont mes propres créations et comme tous les arts peuvent être naîfs maintenant et plus mature plutard!!! Vous allez avoir une part précieux dans mon évolution artistique par vos commentaires.

. Je jongle entre trois langues, alors, pardonnez mes erreurs et si vous souhaitez apporter des corrections, j'en serais ravie (envoyez-moi vos corrections et je les appliquerez) et je vous en serrais très reconnaissante.

... Au fur et à mesure que vous allez me connaitre à travers mon regard sur la VIE, l'univers et le monde..

Je vous aime et j'ai hâte de vous décourvir par votre ART...


About Me

J'ai toujours été ravie de mon prénom Shahrzad شهرزاد qui avait été choisi par ma chère mére, un être exceptionnel que j'appelle madar en persan. Quand j'ai appris que Shahrzad voulait dire:'Caractère Libre', j'ai sourri...quand j'ai lu l'histoire de Shahrzad, j'ai encore, quand j'ai appris que Shahrzad était dans la Perse antique la déesse de l'apprentissage (ou quelque chose similaire,à confirmer), j'ai me suis demandée comment ma mère savait que ce prénom allait tellement bien à sa fille Shahrzad!