I woke up by radio announcing Robin Williams's departure to somewhere, a where that he might know better than we do now! A where where he will have sometimes to enjoy himself watching the amazing things he have done!!! To watch us all one by one and review all again and again!
Was he better to leave now or stay knowing the degradation? Who knows but what is clear is that he is not while he is!
Any ways, I had to rush to go to the hotel because our employee of the morning had some personal problem and I had to replace him. And most important, we had to go with Ira and Jane to Igon's funeral at 10:30 a.m! My heart was touched by my brain was in process of planing that hard morning!
It was near the hotel, I remembered what I heard at radio, the music on the car's radio penetrated entirely into where pushed my tears toward my eyes, a fluid highway for my tears running on my chicks...I could not stop it even though I was nearer and nearer to the hotel...
I said to myself,' I just admired Robin William and Louis Defunès. These two genious guys were my favorite actors for humor! What a loss!'.
I remembered having cried for Louis Defones, too!
What is amazing is that most of people want to be a celebrity but celebrity is freedom-less, so, being always beyond and active, need entire of the artist and so! Even though, this art is so therapeutic but a human being who cannot spend on regular basis the moments of being with her-himself, will be disconnected to her-himself.
Healing people, patterning people for happiness is an art, but still that art is just a part of that person. The real one has her-his own needs, to simply be and enjoy a few free moments in nature, be lost in the folle and just feel she-he is sooooo small and nothing through the eternity while being a part of a whole! This connection is so necessary for not having the feeling of being abandoned, being sole while so many people approve what you are doing. Freedom of living our life simply and fully!
The genius people grow through their challenges and have no choice than following their passion which create an unbalanced force within her-him which become their guide.
No time within the time frame, always feeling willing grabbing a branch to hold on in the turnement of the powerful current of success...hard and hard! The eyes on her-him, the expectations of all kind, the heart being touched, knowing you can do something while....
Now you are gone somewhere to be truly with yourself to know about other parts of you, I am going to watch again what you have done and hope that we can have more of you but those who can spend sometimes for themselves like we all who are not famous do!
Thanks for the mavelous moments you invited all of us to be joyful or even sad!
Shahrzad, 13 Aug. 2014 (a special day for me)
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