Un village naît
À partir du 19e siècle, les entreprises manufacturières montréalaises s'installent d'abord le long de la rive puis du canal de Lachine à l'ouest. Le quartier se développe avec l'accroissement du transport ferroviaire, du trafic de navigation commerciale et des installations portuaires qui en découlent et s'urbanise progressivement à partir des 1840. La Compagnie des chars urbains, compagnie de tramways à chevaux, s'établit avec ses écuries et ateliers de réparation en 1861. La rue Notre-Dame est aménagée afin de limiter l'érosion créée par les crues. Le village d'Hochelaga est fondé en 1870. Il se développe autour de la rue Dézéry et comprend quelques maisons, établissements commerciaux, la chapelle catholique de la Nativité, l'église anglicane St. Mary et sa petite école. Les agriculteurs cèdent progressivement leurs terres en bordure du fleuve et des familles bourgeoises, dont les Cuvillier, Valois et Morgan, y construisent résidences et villas.
http://ville.montreal.qc.ca/pls/portal/docs/page/patrimoine_urbain_fr/media/documents/14_evaluation_patrimoine_mercier.pdfDESCRIPTION OF HISTORIC PLACE
Hochelaga National Historic Site of Canada is a cultural landscape recalling a former Iroquois village, consisting of a grass-covered space about 79 square metres in area. The site is located to the left of the main entrance of McGill University on Sherbrooke Street, Montreal. The official recognition applies to the area within a radius of 5 metres around a stone, which was laid in 1925 and on which the plaque is mounted.
Hochelaga was designated a national historic site of Canada in 1920 for the following reason:
- it is the Iroquois village of Hochelaga that was visited by Jacques Cartier in 1535 and abandoned before 1600.
- it is the Iroquois village of Hochelaga that was visited by Jacques Cartier in 1535 and abandoned before 1600.
Hochelaga National Historic Site of Canada represents the old Iroquois village of Hochelaga. The village is mentioned in the logbook kept by Jacques Cartier on his second voyage to the region of the St. Lawrence River in 1535. The village no longer exists, and its exact location is unknown.
The historical value of Hochelaga National Historic Site of Canada derives from its association with the Iroquois village of Hochelaga. According to Cartier’s log for October 1535, the palisaded village was home to about 1500 Iroquois living in some 50 longhouses approximately 8 metres high and of varying lengths, with groups organized according to maternal family ties. A subsequent French expedition in 1600 noted that the village of Hochelaga was abandoned. This coincided with the departure of all the Iroquois from the St. Lawrence Valley after they were excluded from new trading alliances between the French and the Montagnais, Algonquin and Huron nations. To consolidate their fur trade relations, the French became hostile toward the Iroquois, resulting in their departure.
Sources: Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada, Minutes, 2007; Report to the Status of Designations Committee, 2007.
The heritage character of Hochelaga National Historic Site of Canada derives from:
- the location of the cairn used to represent the former Iroquois village;
- the scenic views from the site;
- the integrity of potential archaeological resources, objects and sites.
- the location of the cairn used to represent the former Iroquois village;
- the scenic views from the site;
- the integrity of potential archaeological resources, objects and sites.
Le bâtiment est identifié aux documents d'évaluation du patrimoine urbain dans la catégorie suivante :
- Immeuble de valeur patrimoniale exceptionnelle (juridiction municipale)
- Secteur de valeur patrimoniale exceptionnelle Le coeur du village d'Hochelaga (Sainte-Catherine Est et Préfontaine) (juridiction municipale)
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Architecte(s) / concepteur(s)
Joseph Perrault
Constructeur(s), entrepreneur(s) ou artisan(s) impliqué(s) dans la construction de cet édifice:
Martineau et Fils
pour ajouter des infos sur MVM
alexis@imtl.org <alexis@imtl.org>
Tiré de : Denis Gravel, LaSalle d’autrefois, LaSalle, Société historique Cavelier-de-LaSalle, 2001, 27 pages.
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