I was talking to a dear one who was taken in between of two other dear ones and had a hard time to understand the dear ones who had a hard time to understand their own ONE and the OTHER dear ONE s!
I tried to explain to this dear one many times in different ways that we needed to accept the dear ONES as they ARE! Now, I think that the confusion came from the word <ACCEPT> because I realize now that <acceptance> is not comprehensive until we can distinguish between: the REAL CHARACTER of the person and the ATTITUDES of the person which had been developped through time upon many elements such as culture, life experiences, environment, needs, etc.!
An exemple came into my mind: most of the people want to correct the others but by their own believes which are the patterns for their way of being!
Il is comparable to being in an orchestra and one musician with a specific instrument. Ones need to follow their music sheet (notes) and the Conductor to be able to play their own instrument! Meanwhile, if we expect that the other ONES play our instrument instead of theirs, it is wrong even if we master the technics of our instrument and teach it. A ONE instrument player can be great as a PART of the Orchestra but inmaginable to be a Conductor!
As a Conductor not only learns and practice the languages of music, the technics of all instruments but also needs to deal with the music sheets, musicians, the vocalist(s) but also the minimum should be to be able to coordinate all instruments and people technically! And, go beyond by compose special vibrations to make a difference and bring the MUSIC to OTHER levels!
The leaders are the same, they do a lot before being able to Conduct.
In terms of social habilities, the Conductor or Leader needs to understand and handle different technics plus emotions of various people who have their own ONLY instrument and their ONLY volcal!
The ONLY has not achieved the level of Conductor (Leader) because of the deficiency in appropirate dose of interest, motivation, practice ... potentials of the LEADER/CONDUCTOR (who can LEAD ALL to BEYOND)!
I had been learing and practicing different languages, arts and their technics while having an open eye here, there and in between! I suppose all helped and are helping me to develop my senses and sensitivty which help me to get out of the routines and so being able to use the gift of creativity including freedom and self at the same time universal accomplishments!
I had always fed my creativity through NATURE which englobes ALL and let to be tunned to ITS magnificient vibrations, so necessary for the balance and developpement of senses and so to the levels of conductiveness!
Being myself means being conscious about LIFE, being connected to IT! And, LIFE is not only Humanity but englobes All!
I travel in frames of the society but my place is more in FREEDOM of being a PART ALL and NOW which will BECOME the PAST for the FUTURE!
I feel the vibrations in anything in anybody, therefore I feel and sometimes it is difficult to explain it! So, I always need some tools of expression which become with time and practice some kind of my own art which, meanwhile does not belong to me because I am a part of THE COLLECTIVE achivements of LIFE and because of THE INTERDEPENDENCY which seems being hidden to some because of some lack of....!
It might seem absurd to some to be able to walk outside of the frames but being a part of IT, being connected to IT as a motivated team-worker with some sens of responsibility to the PURPOSE of LIFE, LIFE takes more amazing dimensions and shapes while offering our commitments, hard working with open eyes welcoming the senses to REACH and to BE THE BEYOND!
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