My dear friend Sunny Cynthia Savage!
The last days were quite rich and meditative for the three of us. You know I try to find answers to many things and create a positive situation from a negative! The intensity and the reality of the situation could not let any creativity except taking the action in being present because there was no later left in this world with you!
One year of hard time for you, many years of contemplation with life, your heart, through arts and your intensive generous being you were!
I did my best to have my ears and my empathy for you! Last year, I was quite creative to help the negative to become positive and we worked on them a lot, as many time and as many hours needed!
But, finally you ended up at hospital for some exams and stayed ther, still some hope and in the hope I could feel dispair results of conditions! I had a hard time to create more of hope and encouragement to go on and fight because the reality showed up and you the wise intelligent one, started to take things in your hands and getting power of being clear at least about life and death!
I knew that my maturity in this field was low and already had a hard time to deal with only the word death!
You realized how seine you were and how you wanted to be more and more in order to bring only light to you before you leave!
You succeeded!
My dear friend, we went back and forth about many things that I forgot already when you left! But something very important that makes me cry quite often now is that two days before you leave, I was working whole day and when I left I was just very tired and we werte invited somewhere and I wanted to buy something, go home and ...! I knew you wanted to see me and less time was left! I stopped on Sherbrooke and Guy and called you:
'Hi Sunny, do you want me to come and see you?'
'Shahrzad tell me what you want to do?, Do you want to come now or you want to come another time?'
A silence, no reply from my side, how amazing Sunny you were, you told me,'Shahrzad, I want you to come when you want and can come. Can you come tomorrow?'
How much sometimes some words become the most relieving words!
'Yes, I will be very happy to come tomorrow morning, I am...'
'No matter my dear friend, you come tomorrow and I am fine!'
When I hanged off the phone, I could not stop crying, I cried and I cried and I cried! I am still crying! How someone can be like her to tell me Shahrzad I am fine! And, still needs someone besides her in these last moments.
My dear friend, I woke up at 6:30 A.M. and wrote a message to you that I did not sent to you! Meanwhile, I called you around 8:30 A.M because I had other commitments for the day and I prefered to come to see you first.
You hanged on and said,'Oh, Shahrzad, I just woke up and I have not had my coffee and cigarette yet! Where are you?"
'I can come in 15 to 30 minutes'.
'So, let me change and we will have a coffee together!'
I arrive and you are outside waiting for me with your coffee. You bring me inside your arm hanging to my arms and say,'I am sorry Shahrzad that I did not answer properly, I just woke up when you called!'
'I am sorry Sunny, I did not know at what time you woke up!'
'I need to be grounded and for that I should smoke a cigarette, do you mind Shahrzad if I go out and smoke a cigarette?'
'Oh, no not at all my dear friend, do you want me to come with you?'
'No, you sit down here and enjoy your hot chocolate and I will be back grounded!'
'Actually, I will do some meditation also to be grounded as it seems that my energy is too much in the air!"
You came back and we talked, I had prepared a few symbolique gifts for you in a little boxe and we saw them, you liked them! I did not tell you what I did in the morning! I thought two of your friends would have been with you if they could be there. One of them had given me a small Budhha (as your doctor had told you that he was sure you were a little Budhha when you were a little girl) that I added to the box + the other friends had offered my a little monkey because I am a little monkey and the monkey had a green châle around its neck. I took it and put it in the small boxe. I also took a part of the bark of the willow tree that you liked (I had brought with me some when the municipality was removing the pieces of the fallen lovers's willow tree. I told you that we could go to the temple at hospital and we went! Then, you wanted to give me a gift that you had bought for me! You gave it to me, a beautiful one! Then, Kate came and we talked, you read a few things for us and then asked to bring you down. We went to the cafeteria and you said that I could burn one of the incents that I had brought for you. You started to say that you had the serenity but still some traces of anger that you wanted to let go to leave in most peaceful mind possible. We talked while the incent was bruning and it seemed that the anger shifted to the universal mind ecosystem to be recycled and you seemed very much peaceful! We took a picture of the three of us. Kate left and I was with you. Somehow I was reading your mind through you kind look to me!
'Shahrzad, I want to say good bye me dear friend to you today.'
'Shahrzad, Kate will be with me because she is very grounded and she can very well handel it. Please, do not be upset about it. I have my super doctor to whom I said to put on something happy and a few people I have known here!"
You read again my mind and said,
'Let's say good bye but see tomorrow what you feel like, follow your heart, but please, Shahrzad if you decide to come, please come 30 minutes earlier because these moments will be very important for me and should be peaceful...!'
'Let's say good bye but see tomorrow what you feel like, follow your heart, but please, Shahrzad if you decide to come, please come 30 minutes earlier because these moments will be very important for me and should be peaceful...!'
I said goodbye to you my dear friend and looked at you sitting down in that windy weather of end of March with your red canadian jacket with feathers that looked so good on you for a few minutes and left with a heart full of questions and a few sighs. A question kept running in my head whole day and night and next day,'She was right about Kate, should I go or not!'. 'Sunny told me not to go because she knew it might be hard for me but isn't it happening in order for me to face the reality of death? Didn't she need me?"
I left home around 11 to buy something for my mother. I was on Greene Ave. not far and stayed for sometimes in the car feeling like a weathercock showing the direction of heart ...
Finally I turned on the car and drove and found myself in the parking of the cherch, walking toward the chesnut tree, hanging the 3 hearts there, and sending this photo to you and getting a few loves from you at 1:00 P.M (which showed you were still conscious) then walking in the snow and glace toward the lovers's willow and hanged the hearts there, walking through the path, bringing out the beautiful crystal chime and the tibetain thanka putting them on a bench while the sun reminded my of you Sunny and the blue blue sky of your shining blue blue eyes...
I made the chime ring and ring and ring...
We were the only ones in the park!
I understood why you told me follow my heart because we met there!
To the light with joy and serenity for the peace!
Kate had kindly accepted to do your will and bring your sands where you had asked for!
My sister and niece had organize a trip for me because they knew I really needed it. So, I was in the plain when Kate did this for you.
My sister's surprise surprised me because later I figured out that she brought me somewhere that the gardens had been designed by the same landescaper than the park I went and the park Kate spread your ashes! Amazing!
They were so kind and we talked about you and they brought me to Athlantique occean that I knew you loved so much and we wrote your name on the sands. Then, I wanted it to be closer to the water to be taken by your occean! When they were having a knap, I rewrote your name and made the sign of Yin & Yang with the little shells and the sand!
There was a feather I added it to your name as a symbole of freedom and I started to film. I filmed a few times until the occeason brought your name into its heart! Suddenly the wind brought a white tissue where your name was washed by the occean into its heart. I took it and hanged it on the top of the stick with which I had written your name and drew the sign of Yin & Yang.
This was sent to me as the sign of PEACE!
Yes my dear friend you are PEACE!

These hearts are for you Sunny from the ladies who are heart people, whose laughters could be heard by the occeans!
Yes, generous like yourself!

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