In the plain...
Thanks to my dear brother and nephew for picking me up fron the airport with a beautiful bouquet of flower...
And, a delicious dinner special Salmon on barbecu waiting for me!
Great salade and dessert! With many thanks, such a delicious evenning and conversation about how to surprise next day Fariba!
All those whom we love were missing among us!
A beautiful room was waiting for me like in a 5 star hotel! Thanks again, I slept wonderfully!
It is so amazing to see my dear brother and son prepraing the breakfast, impeccable, rich and delicious!
We finally decided to find a costume and a baloon of happy birthday! And, it workes as Fariba was so surprised when I removed the ballon from my face!
We went to Farib s friend house where I discovered that the female peroques are very special and jelous in regards to the wife of the house! I also listened to one of the singers of our time!
Faranak joined up with this birthday baloon and the orchides, Amin and Ali with other beautiful bouquet of flowers! and birthday cake all in our brother<s house missing our sister in law who was travelling!
We had a few of our dears absent and we missed them, meanwhile, our dear brother invited the presents to an amazing Italian restaurant and made us laugh as usual through his real fun stories!
Happy Birthday once again Fariba joon...all the best of the world for you who deserve it entirely!
We spent the night all of us at my brother<s and this is next day, Faranak enjoying her full table breakfast!
Dear Mamad and Ali jaan thank you most sincerely for all, you are number one and we missed again Azar joon and all the rest of the family for sure! Booooooooos!
On the way back clouds again! Something had happened that the clouds seemed to be more clear in the sky!
Chicago airport!
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