And, it became one of the most memorable Birthdays of Babak (Nastarin jaan's brother in law) and Bahram thanks to our fantastic and dear hosts Nastarin jan & Massoud jan, all their wonderful family, friends and of course our amazing musicians and vocalists: Mansoureh jaan (vocal), Massoud jaan (piano + vocal(, Farhad jaan (violin & vocal & cook), adding myself (vocal)!
Many thanks to all for such beautiful and joyful artistic moments full of singing and dancing...
Food was amazing of course because of the family participation (I do not have the photos but I still have the delicious tastes in my mouth and senses!).
Thanks to my darling friend Afsaneh joon who made such beautiful photographs of Bahram and myself, without her it seemed that I was not there! We love you all for the wonderful way you are!
But, behind all is hidden a real manger, Nastarin! I admire Nastarin joon your passion and love for bringing the friends who can appreciate each other truly and spontaneously! You are so well-organized and have all necessary tools to make any single of your guests happy to enjoy your party.
Real treasure our Nastarin! We love you and missed Anita jan and her beautiful family and of course Ava jaan , all being in Australia! We hope to see you soon!
Sepas, thanks and merci our dear and precious friends!
Two exceptional ladies bring two delicious birthday cakes for our two Birthday Superman!
Dear Mansoureh charmed us by her beautiful voice as usual!
And, our multi-talent superman Farhad seems to be able to manage to fill up any silence full of his lovely presence and his colorful music, singing, dancing., chats full of attention while being so much help our hosts to run and most organized and impeccable party... (also, a chef as he had made a Zucchini lazagna and canapes for cocktail)...
Bita joon seemed to fully appreciate her wonderful grand-mother for all of them! You both are amazing, booooos!
Such a beautiful family! It seems that joy is the fruits of the beauful family tree! Bita jaan, thanks for being you and such a talented everything, especially in dance! We enjoyed entirely the cocktail and all you had prepared, just regret that we could not see your wonderful kids! And missing among us, Anita jaan and her beautiful familly, our darling Ava jaan...and of course Sepi jann & Mazi jaan!
So much fun through the dances of our qualified dancers!
Percusion is so much necessary for iranian music and many thanks to our skilful percusionist Kamran jaan for making all of us dance and since so joyfully...