And, thanks to the city of Westmount and Victoria Hall for keeping Westmount arts alive by encouraging the Westmount artists to grow their art in heart of Westmounters...As arts & Sports are crutial to the Westmounters and are a part of our daily life! Our kids are grown up through them and how wonderful to see the generations together on the stage at Victoria Hall every year...!!!
Sport is great, and danse is even more because it is Sport + Art + Creativity...
1001 Thanks & Merci to let Arts of expression to be accessible, performable and extendable...we have the chance to do it in Westmount, we, the residents of Westmount are greatful and somehow need to continue the realization of our efforts through performing at the end of each session in our beautiful Victoria Hall where had been the place!!!
Congratulations to the instructors, choreographers, performers, the team of Victoria Hall and the City of Westmount..many thanks to our families and friends and the wonderful audience for your encouragements! Bravo!!! See you next year! Sheila Lawrence is our passionnate ballet, jazz ballet instructor , such an amazing dancer, choreographer! She had been organizing this show with lots of energy and her time for many years at Victoria Hall of Westmount.
Sheila is a treasure for us! A moving musium to honnor and so take a good care of!
Dear Sheila, you have become a symbole for me, you asked me 15 years ago to take just a few hours of ballet to help my ballet jazz! You see, I am sure that a few hours were not certainely what you meant!!! You already knew that if I came a few hours, I would have stayed!
Ballet is amazing for those who like the challenge and philosophy!
I had done lots of dances, other sports and arts, but I am still obsessed by Ballet because there is something which is developing in me that is beyond just a sport or an expressive art! I love it and still try to get it in order to express what I feel through the most graceful movements because the movements we humans follow in daily lives are more mechnical while ballet has its own language which let the poetry in me take shape and flow through music...!
Sheila had always appreciated and encouraged all other teachers and dancers. Kate is one of the best whom I myself admire because on not only her way of doing and transfering her art through lots of passion and work, she is one of the most generous and beautiful personnalities whom I love her style and respect her entirely for all she has done and doing! Thanks to be here, there and everywhere our dear Kate!
Joining Nathalie who is one of the most wonderful devoted and amazing instructor, choreographer and dancer I have ever seen! Thanks Nathalie for all the beauty of 1001 nights dances that you choreagraphy for us every year with your amazing dancers (my dear friend Brigitte being one of the most talented ones who is as good as in ballet)!
Adding the two other absolutly wonderful teachers, dancers and choreoghaphers Joanie and Marie-Claude who are also exceptionnally talented!
So lucky and proud to have such treasures in Westmount! City of Westmount and Victoria Hall have reasons to be proud and encourage them to continue their artistic good quality seeds grow in the Westmount's art lands!
Joining all amazing and passionnate dancers who did wonderful job, most of them do different disciplines including ballet with Sheila!
Adding our amazing musicians and for sure our one of the only male balerin, Louis whom I call the gardener of the beautiful gardens of ballet could not be so fruitful and the birds could not be enjoying so much of singning! Many thanks to Louis Rousseau, who is abolutly ballet lover, extremely generous to help the organization of the music, workshops and communications...
Thanks to our wonderful sound Ron Harris and light Shawn Lukassen, and of course our wonderful video superman, Max Kalinowicz (Nathalie's son!)...again lots of thanks to Victoria Hall team and the City of Westmount for making these artistic activities and shows happen! PRICELESS!
(If I missed mentionning a few names, you can find them in other pages through their amazing choreographies!)
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