Just let you go through this amazing
creation...each year at this time, I am looking for the Kids' expressions through their creativity..many thanks to the organizers, teachers and kids...
Actually I was impressed the moment I walked through the Victoria Hall of Exibitions after my ballet workshop in the middle of the week before my photos of Sagabone of 23rd of May 2015 ...
I was right away attracted by the 'Batons de Parole' laying down on the table so artistically one on the top of the other, besides each other...in all the beautiful colors and shapes (besides the other creations of the kids)...and the materials of the person who was in charge of these art works, so beautifully installed everywhere...and finally the fantastic music she had put on...yes, why looking for a dream when you just walk in to live it through the reality of the moment!?!...
My body, heart and mind ready to taste them all..I let me go and travelled through colors and words...
But, as I was in rush, I let the magnetism of these sticks of 'parole', so colorfully present attract me and there I could not resist taking a few pictures...without being being aware that I was going to see more of them at Sagabone at the kids and families workshop of the 23rd of May!!!
Aren't we just conscious of what we are doing if we let us be where we are supposed to be, in the truth of the moment?
Shahrzad, June 14th of 2015

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