Ce blog est une expositon de créations spontanées. La simplicité est nécessaire pour que ça soit accessible à tous nos visiteurs. Les sujets comme la politique et la religion sont à éviter. La vulgarité et discrimation sont à recycler. Cette exposition vivante offres l'accès au profondeur de l'être, l'univers de l'infini... Alors, cultivons le monde avec une grande variété de graines de qualité. Envoyez-moi par couriel votre art et les choix seront présentés régulièrement.
Tuesday, 31 December 2019
Happy New Year 2020
Ce matin je me réveille tôt comme je n'ai pas de l'alarm et je suis à l'hôtel. J'ouvre mon courriel et je vois les souhaits de mon amie Terry. Je réponds et il viens à moi de lui envoyer le lien!
En revenant de mon voyage dans l'avions j'avais regardé ce documentaire qui m'a boulversé tant
que je l'ai regardé plusieurs fois en pleurant! Le pourquoi de chose est que ça me touche beaucoup la
beauté de ces images, les mouvement et technique... la faàon qui bouges et crée en changeant (comme la vie
qui bouge à chaque instant avec l'humanité ...sans pouvoir écouter de quoi le peintre parle...
et la façon que le photographe/journaliste/vidéo est faite
et bien entendu la musique qui me touche profondemment sans connaître ses lyrics!
Je suis touchée et ça me libère d'une façon récomfortant!
Je l'ai envoyé à un vrai cher en sachant que lui mieux que moi pourrait laisser couler les images parlant
sur le canevas! Story-expression-teller!
ça me dit beaucoup!
Une comprehension profonde et satisfaisante de l"état...!
Je clique encore sur ce lien et mes larmes coulent juste maintenant le matin à l'aube de premier jour de
nouvel an! Toute l"humanité et son histoire parle dedans par Peter Howson! Interessant son nom as well!
J'ai des soupires sans cèsse!
Bonne et heureuse année.
Que ça coule le bien!
01.01. 2020
Thursday, 26 December 2019
Happy Birthday my dear mother!
Mother...our amazing mother!
Such an exceptional daughter, sister, aunt, wife, mother, friend, human being...!
How lucky we had been to be raised by you!
Born in nobless family but had to go through your destiny, all by yourself and do it your way, with passion and lots of emotion...!

As I advance in my life, your personality surprises me and I feel proud and privileged to be your daughter!
How could you find your way?
One foot in reality, one foot in your dreams...!

How could you deal with all these exceptional events of your life?
Passion for elegance!
Each single challenge of your life could have been a big one for any other peson and you did handle all of them!?!

I really want to write your life and I want you to be here and be proud of it!
I know that you prefer like many people of our culture to keep your pride in the way the society has shown you to do. But, my pride is you, the amazing wonderful independent person you had been for yourself and for all those whom had taken advantage of your art of wisdom, sens of humour and artistry!
Happy Birthday to you my dear wonderful mother!
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the most precious and beautiful shoes |
And talk about the most amazing shoes we saw in one of the trendiest shoe shops of Paris... you could not sleep because you had been dreaming about them the whole night! And, how lucky I was to surprise you with them the next day because it was the only one and I was afraid that someone else buy them!
This is so wonderful! You do not talk about those many challenges of your life but these shoes seem to be at the top of your best memories!
It is funny because when I brought them to you, you were so much surprised and could not believe it! You even told me that you wanted them for me. I told you that those shoes had been made for Cinderella's feet like hers' (mine were more running feet!)!
Thank you my dear mother for being who you are, as you are!
You still do all your best to spoil us my dear mother and I have tear in my eyes because you have been the most generous person I could even know since I opened my eyes...!
When I visit you and I sleep besides you on the bed, you still check if the blanket is on me, if I am not at the edge of the bed to fall down! Our eyes cross and we smile kindly to each other and wave a kiss to each other with the most tender kindest eyes! And, when you fall asleep, I look at you and say to myself how lucky we had been and are to have the precious you!
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House of Sillage Cherry Garden |
And, in morning when I open my eyes and witness with joy how much you enjoy your beautiful long manicured nails and hands when you check them!
You are still the best person to whom I would love to offer the most beautiful bottle of perfume and you will enjoy it the best! And, this perfume becomes the most delicious perfume ever existed on your special perfumes-friendly soft skin!
And, every single day you ask me,'Can you bring the perfume you offered to me!'. And I bring it, you first look at as if it is the most amazing sculpture ever existed, then you look at me with the sweetest smile of a complice, you slowly and carefully open it and bring the bottle in front of your nose, smell it and look at me with lots of love and tell me,'I love it, it is smells heavenly, thank you, you always offer me the best perfumes!'. And you wear some of it and smile, close it and put it back in its beautiful bag and ask me to hide it in one of your beautiful handbags!'.
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Bond No. 9 New Bond St. Perfume Amorpha |
I know I can never enjoy as much as you enjoyed and still enjoy the gifts you received! I suppose Fariba is more similar to you for this!
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Chanel N°5 Limited Edition Grand Extrait |
Each time I visit you, and bring you a new perfume, you tell me about the story of the bottle of the new Chanel that you loved when you came once in Paris to visit us:
'Shahrzad, when I remember, I still cry! I had been looking for a perfume during my whole one month stay and I could not find any perfume I could appreciate! Finally, the last day of my stay, we arrived to a perfume shop and when my soul was touched by the new perfume of Channel, the only thing I wanted from this world was the Chance of Chanel! My feet were glued on the floor and I told you that I really loved it and I should get it! I was so disappointed when the lady said that they were out of stock and should order it! You spent so much time to ask her to get it for the next day as I was leaving the next day! My flight was late afternoon.

You drove me to the perfume shop but the traffic was so heavy as usual and when we got there the shop was already closed! You started to cry and cry, I could not stop you! I was repeating that it did not matter and I hated to see you crying for a bottle of perfume for me! I wanted to hate that perfume but of course I could not! You were repeating continuously that you really wanted this perfume for me but the stupid traffic of Paris did not let it happen! You finally stopped crying and drove me to the airport. I hated all the time I could feel your sadness!

You drove me to the perfume shop but the traffic was so heavy as usual and when we got there the shop was already closed! You started to cry and cry, I could not stop you! I was repeating that it did not matter and I hated to see you crying for a bottle of perfume for me! I wanted to hate that perfume but of course I could not! You were repeating continuously that you really wanted this perfume for me but the stupid traffic of Paris did not let it happen! You finally stopped crying and drove me to the airport. I hated all the time I could feel your sadness!
Of course, you bought it the next day and mailed to me the same day! I never loved and hated something at the same time!

It had been over 40 years that I have kept the tradition to offer you a beautiful perfume of collection!
Three years ago,
I had to run the whole airport to get to the other shop of the duty free shop to get the new perfume of Herrera which I knew you would fall in love with it! And, you did!
The pleasure to watch you every single day to take it in your beautiful hand and admire its shape, put on some of it on your beautiful skin and look at me with so much love and said how much you loved it and I knew at that moment that no-one else could ever appreciate this perfume more than you at that time!
You see how much you appreciated this perfume, I appreciated even more en watching you enjoying it so that much!
And last year, when I saw the Decadence of Marc Jacob bottle of perfume, I was eager to buy it for you to make a set with the shoe of Herrera's perfume! It is just impossible to explain your joy to see this hand bag full of perfume!
Talking about your taste for pastry and any other beautiful artistic jewelry and ....
Happy Birthday my very dear precious mother whom I love so much...promiss I will write this book and you promise to wait until I finish it!
I am happy that your poem was published!
Look how you are update to NOW!

You watched all the Hollywood movies and brought us to see all of them! You decided to become excellent in haut-couture to be able to make all the dresses of the actresses of Hollywood movies! And, so continued to be excellent in everything! As per you artistic talents, commitment and modern taste, the challenges soon became déjà-vu!

I ignore who might not appreciate and love you, with your high taste for beauty and good quality and the sens of humor!

And, with such a huge sens of maternity, the kids whom you loved more than any mother and never stopped loving them and being worried about them!
And, socializing was one of your best talents that you and our father shared so artfully and naturally together!

And, of course how much you enjoy a good Cheese Burger more than anybody else! I am proud that my dear mother is gourmande!

And beauty!

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Shahrzad est enchantée de votre visite et vous invite à partager votre art de sagesse,...
Bonjour aux Artistes et Artisans de la vie!!! C'est un grand plaisir de partager avec vous ma passion de vivre l'équilibre en harmonie avec la liberté grâce à la comprehension de ma place et la place de l'autrui dans cette univers...
Alros, je vous remercie pour être vous, pour votre générosité et l'ouverture, joignons à cette foire aux merveilles avec nos oeurves crées par la Passion et Tendresse pour la VIE...
Manoir Ville Marie, ce Cocoon de Paix pour beaucoup de clients réguliers qui y offrent leurs présences authentiques!!! Alors, dormir au Manoir Ville Marie est une expérience à la fois paisible et intéressante.
Participez au tirage d'un Certificat de Cadeau d'une nuit pour deux au Manoir Ville Marie':
Tous les deux mois, il vas avoir un tirage (le premier étant le pre,mier septembre 2011) et le nom du gagnant serait annoncé. sur ce weblog
*Racontez-moi un poème, une petite histoire de sagesse de maximum 500 mots, ou une photo, une peinture...
Je remerci mon très cher fils, Sépandat Stéphane (qui a le regardl très profond sur l'univers et ses êtres) pour m'avoir encourager (plutôt forcé) de faire ce blog en rapport avec mes amis Manoir Ville Marie.
Je remerci mon très cher fils, Maziar Marc (qui a le regard minutieux sur ll'univers et ses êtres) pour m'a aidé (plutôt forcer) d'avoir le courage d'apprendre comment faire ce weblog, toujours disponible pour sa mère, Maziar est un excellent guide et proffesseur.
Enfin, je remerci mon cher mari et compagnon de vie, Bahram Bernard pour m'encourage d'essayer de faire court et simple!!!
A cette étape de ma vie, je crois que la fiérté de l'être humain est dans sa Compréhension de l'Univers...et cette Compréhension nous guide vers la Conscience qui se manifeste souvent par les Arts, La Créativiyé ou nos Actions. Où La Paix est présente, elle y est présente également.
. Les textes et photos publiés sur ce blog sont mes propres créations et comme tous les arts peuvent être naîfs maintenant et plus mature plutard!!! Vous allez avoir une part précieux dans mon évolution artistique par vos commentaires.
. Je jongle entre trois langues, alors, pardonnez mes erreurs et si vous souhaitez apporter des corrections, j'en serais ravie (envoyez-moi vos corrections et je les appliquerez) et je vous en serrais très reconnaissante.
... Au fur et à mesure que vous allez me connaitre à travers mon regard sur la VIE, l'univers et le monde..
Je vous aime et j'ai hâte de vous décourvir par votre ART...
About Me
- Shahrzad
- Canada
- J'ai toujours été ravie de mon prénom Shahrzad شهرزاد qui avait été choisi par ma chère mére, un être exceptionnel que j'appelle madar en persan. Quand j'ai appris que Shahrzad voulait dire:'Caractère Libre', j'ai sourri...quand j'ai lu l'histoire de Shahrzad, j'ai encore sourri...et, quand j'ai appris que Shahrzad était dans la Perse antique la déesse de l'apprentissage (ou quelque chose similaire,à confirmer), j'ai me suis demandée comment ma mère savait que ce prénom allait tellement bien à sa fille Shahrzad!