What is happenning to The Treasure of Westmount, our beautiful Westmount Greenhouse?
Two weeks ago my sister and niece organized a trip for me because they felt the lack of humour in me because of the lack of sun and my beautiful daily meditation/routines at the Greenhouse since it had been closed to be repaired next or next year!
I am sure that all families, senors, nanies who brought the kids to enjoy this beautiful warm pradise /greenhouse are feeling even worst and are despiratly waiting for its openning!
As a photographer/poet/writer have thousands of photos of all seasons of the flowers and events in this Greenhouse, many inspirations through my many meditations, encounters with plants and plant lovers in this greenhouse ....!
Where is it?
No funds?
I doubt that this treasure is less important than ?
I know now why these last winters seemed terribly long for me while I had never felt such a thing and lost my joyful smiles! Yes, the Greenhouse was where I could re-energize all my senses and meditate without being forced to travel far for a few days in winter looking for the sun and flowers!
Yes, as a resident of Westmount since 1994 and Westmount artist photographer, writer/poet, vocalist, I cry despirately that I as well as many other westmounters who come for the same or many other reasons, the city needs to repair or rebuilt it as soon as possible this year! Westmount has lost its right leg and since cannot walk properlay, play, ran, danse and share without its right leg, the Greenouse!
Such a great place for socializing and enjoying the beauty, one of the most major interests of living in Westmount for me and suppose the majority of the westmounters!
CREDIT PHOTO: Shahrzad Ghaffari |
The greenhouse and the gardens of Biltmore place had been designed
Frederick Law Olmsted as well as Park Mount Royal, and its Greenhouse and Central Park of New York. And Westmount park seems to be:
At the recommendation of a citizens’ committee in 1890, the City acquired the grounds in 1898 to create Westmount Park. The Westmount Public Library and the Victoria Hall community centre were both inaugurated in its northwest corner the following year.
In 1912, M.J. Howard Manning undertook the landscaping for the City, laying out the park in the spirit of Frederick Law Olmsted – landscape architect for Mont Royal Park and New York’s Central Park – following the natural streams, ravines and wooded areas on the site.
Today, its 26 acres contain a wading pool, an extensive playground, beautiful floral plantings, playing fields and tennis courts. In the southwest corner of the park, a state-of-the-art sports complex, which includes two underground ice rinks and an outdoor pool, is partially concealed
Le réseau de parcs et espaces verts de Westmount constitue un patrimoine très riche, dont 12 parcs, 22 espaces verts et une réserve naturelle boisée, la majorité créée avant l’année 1940.
Malgré son urbanisation, le paysage et la verdure de Westmount sont fortement influencés par son emplacement sur le flanc ouest du Mont-Royal et par la présence de l’un des trois sommets du Site patrimonial du Mont-Royal sur son territoire. De plus, le caractère de chacun des parcs de Westmount reflète les riches traditions d’horticulture et de sports au cours de l’histoire de la ville.
Westmount possède aussi un réseau unique d’escaliers publics, permettant le passage d’une rue à l’autre et offrant des vues exceptionnelles.
La Ville favorise un mode de vie sain en encourageant ses citoyens à utiliser leurs espaces verts et escaliers publics dans le cadre de parcours santé. Nous vous invitons à prendre le temps de découvrir les magnifiques parcs et espaces verts de Westmount à l’aide des informations ci-dessous.