Ce blog est une expositon de créations spontanées. La simplicité est nécessaire pour que ça soit accessible à tous nos visiteurs. Les sujets comme la politique et la religion sont à éviter. La vulgarité et discrimation sont à recycler. Cette exposition vivante offres l'accès au profondeur de l'être, l'univers de l'infini... Alors, cultivons le monde avec une grande variété de graines de qualité. Envoyez-moi par couriel votre art et les choix seront présentés régulièrement.
Thursday, 12 November 2015
Montreal- The most interesting City to live...let's think and plan a successful future ...photos Shahrzad Ghaffari-Hotel Auberge Manoir Ville Marie-11.11.2015
Montréal, une belle ville culturelle, professionnelle, pleine de réussites, et une vie en partage, bonne harmony, sérénité et prospérité... !

Montreal, a beautiful cultural city, professional, full of success and life in sharing serenity, good harmony and prosperity!
Une ville de passion...
A city of passion...

Can see be in good harmony with the world...
Pouvons sentir l'appartenance...Can feel being a part of it....

Pouvon la regarder avec le coeur plein...Can look at it heartfully...

Une ville d'architecture et les plus belles saisons à y vivre...The city of Architecture and the most beautiful seasons to live...
Montreal, a beautiful cultural city, professional, full of success and life in sharing serenity, good harmony and prosperity!
Une ville de passion...
A city of passion...
Can see be in good harmony with the world...
Pouvons sentir l'appartenance...Can feel being a part of it....
Pouvon la regarder avec le coeur plein...Can look at it heartfully...
Ses magnifiques toits vertes dans ses verdures des parcs....
Its magnificient green roofs among its green parks...
La ville verte avec les intentions prospères...
The green city with the prosper intentions
Monday, 9 November 2015
Wednesday, 4 November 2015
Soirée de Danse 2014 - Samedi 29 novembre - Victoria Hall- Westmount-Montreal- Trash à trésor T.A.T. presents : 'The Simple Things' Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari- Hotel Auberge Manoir Ville Marie- Montreal, Québec, Canada
Moments lost in frozen movements,
Breath taken by enchantment,
Heart beaten through excitement,
Oh, dancer,
The Simple Things' -1Z25- Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
Tell me frankly,
The Simple Things' -1K-Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
Tell me about your passion,
Tell me about your conviction,
Show me your strength...
Oh, dancer.
Absent of time,
Present through your art,
I become
Your traveller,
Given to each
Your creativity...
The Simple Things' -1Z24-Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
Trying to read,
And, eyes' satisfaction
The 'Jamais vue's....
Shahrzad Ghaffari, 22 January 2015
Dear Kate,
Here, finally some of your photos that I watched over and over again while admiring you and your art of danse! Since, we had been admiring your presence at Sheila's ballet workshops, I had been so impressed watching the results of all these years of conviction...It is so amazing to watch you and your art of being a dancer!
During your performance, my eyes were like being in one of those high speed six flags' rides in an extremely slow motion!
As a photographer, I was more than satisfied to shoot just a few of your dance movements but honestly you were so breath taking that I just melted in each second of your performance while not willing to miss any of your movements which had been each one of them so carefully created to impress!
I have been dancing for many years for the love of dancing, knowing how much time, energy, conviction, talent are needed to be what you are today!
Congratulations, honestly and truly, I am delighted to offer you these photos which I love but I know they are still far away from the beauty of the art you are mastering...
Great synchronization while so dynamic and live!
Wishing you the best in lot of other achievements in very healthy body and mind full of creativity...
Shahrzad Ghaffari,
Photos: copyright Shahrzad Ghaffari, MVM, Westmount, QC,Canada.
These photos are strictly forbidden to be copied or to be used by anybody else except the dancer and Choreographer Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund.
'The Simple Things' -1a-Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund- Photos:Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
The Simple Things' -1B-Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
The Simple Things' -1E-Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
The Simple Things' -1F-Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
The Simple Things' -1G-Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
The Simple Things' -1I-Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
The Simple Things' -1J-Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
The Simple Things' -1J-Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
The Simple Things' -1L-Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
The Simple Things' -1L-Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
The Simple Things' -1O-Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
The Simple Things' -1P-Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
The Simple Things' -1Q-Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
The Simple Things' -1R-Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
The Simple Things' -1T-Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
The Simple Things' -1V-Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
The Simple Things' -1W-Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
The Simple Things' -1Y-Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
The Simple Things' -1X-Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
The Simple Things' -1Z3-Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
The Simple Things' -1Z5-Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
The Simple Things' -1Z6-Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
The Simple Things' -1Z7-Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
The Simple Things' -1Z8-Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
The Simple Things' -1Z9-Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
The Simple Things' -1Z10-Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
The Simple Things' -1Z11-Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
The Simple Things' -1Z12-Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
The Simple Things' -1Z13-Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
The Simple Things' -1Z16-Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
The Simple Things' -1Z17-Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
The Simple Things' -1Z18-Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
The Simple Things' -1Z19-Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
The Simple Things' -1Z20-Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
The Simple Things' -1Z21-Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
The Simple Things' -1Z22-Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
The Simple Things' -1Z23-Choreograph and dancer : Kate 'Lynx' Alsterlund-Photos: Shahrzad Ghaffari,Westmount, Québec, Canada |
To be more informed about Kate's fantastic world and creations, here the contact:
Kate Lynx Alsterlund
A little bit about Lynx:
Lynx has been b-girling for 14 years.
She is considered one of Canada's renowned b-girls.
2014 is her twelfth year of teaching, which she considers to be one of her greatest gifts and blessings.
In her 15 year career she has won 14 battles in Canada and the United States.
She was invited to the exclusive Redbull Beatriders Dance Camp in 2006.
In 2007 she was the recipient of the Absolut Canadian B-girl Award and in 2009 she was given an award for the B-girl/B-boy repping the most by MTL b-boying. Recently, in 2013 she got the Cypher B-girl of the Night award at the Floorlords Crew Anniversary.
She has a BFA in Contemporary Dance with Distinction from Concordia University.
Her choreographic work has been presented at theatres and festivals in Calgary, Montreal, Toronto and Los Angeles.
She is a member of the B-boyizm Dance company and works for Blueprint For Life Social Work through Hip Hop teaching dance and doing outreach work with youth at risk.
She has also created a curriculum to teach b-boy/b-girl technique to dancers in the UQAM dance department since 2008.
Many of her students continue to b-girl and b-boy and participate in the community.
She loves dance, music, art and Hip Hop culture.
This is her life.
Her blessing is to share her passion with her students.
Lynx has been b-girling for 14 years.
She is considered one of Canada's renowned b-girls.
2014 is her twelfth year of teaching, which she considers to be one of her greatest gifts and blessings.
In her 15 year career she has won 14 battles in Canada and the United States.
She was invited to the exclusive Redbull Beatriders Dance Camp in 2006.
In 2007 she was the recipient of the Absolut Canadian B-girl Award and in 2009 she was given an award for the B-girl/B-boy repping the most by MTL b-boying. Recently, in 2013 she got the Cypher B-girl of the Night award at the Floorlords Crew Anniversary.
She has a BFA in Contemporary Dance with Distinction from Concordia University.
Her choreographic work has been presented at theatres and festivals in Calgary, Montreal, Toronto and Los Angeles.
She is a member of the B-boyizm Dance company and works for Blueprint For Life Social Work through Hip Hop teaching dance and doing outreach work with youth at risk.
She has also created a curriculum to teach b-boy/b-girl technique to dancers in the UQAM dance department since 2008.
Many of her students continue to b-girl and b-boy and participate in the community.
She loves dance, music, art and Hip Hop culture.
This is her life.
Her blessing is to share her passion with her students.
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Shahrzad est enchantée de votre visite et vous invite à partager votre art de sagesse,...
Bonjour aux Artistes et Artisans de la vie!!! C'est un grand plaisir de partager avec vous ma passion de vivre l'équilibre en harmonie avec la liberté grâce à la comprehension de ma place et la place de l'autrui dans cette univers...
Alros, je vous remercie pour être vous, pour votre générosité et l'ouverture, joignons à cette foire aux merveilles avec nos oeurves crées par la Passion et Tendresse pour la VIE...
Manoir Ville Marie, ce Cocoon de Paix pour beaucoup de clients réguliers qui y offrent leurs présences authentiques!!! Alors, dormir au Manoir Ville Marie est une expérience à la fois paisible et intéressante.
Participez au tirage d'un Certificat de Cadeau d'une nuit pour deux au Manoir Ville Marie':
Tous les deux mois, il vas avoir un tirage (le premier étant le pre,mier septembre 2011) et le nom du gagnant serait annoncé. sur ce weblog
*Racontez-moi un poème, une petite histoire de sagesse de maximum 500 mots, ou une photo, une peinture...
Je remerci mon très cher fils, Sépandat Stéphane (qui a le regardl très profond sur l'univers et ses êtres) pour m'avoir encourager (plutôt forcé) de faire ce blog en rapport avec mes amis Manoir Ville Marie.
Je remerci mon très cher fils, Maziar Marc (qui a le regard minutieux sur ll'univers et ses êtres) pour m'a aidé (plutôt forcer) d'avoir le courage d'apprendre comment faire ce weblog, toujours disponible pour sa mère, Maziar est un excellent guide et proffesseur.
Enfin, je remerci mon cher mari et compagnon de vie, Bahram Bernard pour m'encourage d'essayer de faire court et simple!!!
A cette étape de ma vie, je crois que la fiérté de l'être humain est dans sa Compréhension de l'Univers...et cette Compréhension nous guide vers la Conscience qui se manifeste souvent par les Arts, La Créativiyé ou nos Actions. Où La Paix est présente, elle y est présente également.
. Les textes et photos publiés sur ce blog sont mes propres créations et comme tous les arts peuvent être naîfs maintenant et plus mature plutard!!! Vous allez avoir une part précieux dans mon évolution artistique par vos commentaires.
. Je jongle entre trois langues, alors, pardonnez mes erreurs et si vous souhaitez apporter des corrections, j'en serais ravie (envoyez-moi vos corrections et je les appliquerez) et je vous en serrais très reconnaissante.
... Au fur et à mesure que vous allez me connaitre à travers mon regard sur la VIE, l'univers et le monde..
Je vous aime et j'ai hâte de vous décourvir par votre ART...
About Me
- Shahrzad
- Canada
- J'ai toujours été ravie de mon prénom Shahrzad شهرزاد qui avait été choisi par ma chère mére, un être exceptionnel que j'appelle madar en persan. Quand j'ai appris que Shahrzad voulait dire:'Caractère Libre', j'ai sourri...quand j'ai lu l'histoire de Shahrzad, j'ai encore sourri...et, quand j'ai appris que Shahrzad était dans la Perse antique la déesse de l'apprentissage (ou quelque chose similaire,à confirmer), j'ai me suis demandée comment ma mère savait que ce prénom allait tellement bien à sa fille Shahrzad!