Heureux d'avoir cette journée pour nous rendre au St-jean sur Richelieu et Venice sur Québec.
Happy to be able to make this day. I was hard to do one day out of Montreal and so many places to go, finally we decided to go to St-jean sur Richelieu and later at Venice sur Québec.
Ce blog est une expositon de créations spontanées. La simplicité est nécessaire pour que ça soit accessible à tous nos visiteurs. Les sujets comme la politique et la religion sont à éviter. La vulgarité et discrimation sont à recycler. Cette exposition vivante offres l'accès au profondeur de l'être, l'univers de l'infini... Alors, cultivons le monde avec une grande variété de graines de qualité. Envoyez-moi par couriel votre art et les choix seront présentés régulièrement.
Saturday, 26 July 2014
Saturday, 19 July 2014
Une belle journée d'été-A beautiful summer day!
My friend, the Lovers Willow Tree,
'Lovers Westmount park Willow Tree'-1-photo: Shahrzad Ghaffari, MVM, Westmount Park, 16 July 2014 |
My friend,
My dear Willow tree,
Nice was our visit,
In this nice sunny day!
The moments of meditation,
The delicious stories you passed to me,
The love stories,
The hurts and joys stories,
I read them all,
In the texture of your lifeful skin!
'Lovers Westmount park Willow Tree'-2- photo: Shahrzad Ghaffari, MVM, Westmount Park, 16 July 2014 |
And thanks to me,
To have been on time,
To convince to leave some parts of you,
Maybe, the most important parts of you,
On this small Island of hope,
In this lifefull park!
I was almost about,
To let my tears drop,
To be proud,
And thankful to your try,
To the small tree,
You gifted us,
With your last breaths of life,
'Lovers Westmount park Willow Tree'-3-photo: Shahrzad Ghaffari, MVM, Westmount Park, 16 July 2014 |
Growing on your dry left trunk...
My Willow tree,
The lovers's Willow tree,
Now, the kindergarten kids' tree,
I am grateful,
I am so happy,
To know that,
What I have always believed,
Could be so true,
And the conviction of,
Letting you stay,
Reading your sorrows and desperate cries,
For willing to stay,
And reading the heart of all those lovers,
Sitting down on your branches,
Sharing the most wonderful and sweetest moments,
So Unforgettable!
To let you re-live, conserve the hope!
My Willow tree,
I saw today,
All I needed to see,
I might have been called for a pilgrimage to you,
And I stayed long time with you,
Through long meditating emotions,
Travelling through each line and each grains of your skin,
And, hearing the beats of our hearts,
Listening to the most delightful songs,
Oh, thank you, thank to me, thank to the lovers,
To the kids, their teachers,
To the visible and invisible life,
And, here you are,
Alive and so delicately present!
Shahrzad, 19 July 2014
Photos: Wednesday 16 July 2014
Monday, 14 July 2014
Tavalodet Mobarak, Bonne Anniversaire-Bonne Fête- Happy Birthday Sepi Jan-
Mon Fils, mes fils,
Comment m'imaginer ne pas être mère!
Moi, qui adore les enfants,
La vie et son soufle à travers tes souffles, de vos souffles!
Fils, mon fils, mes fils,
De me sentir être moi,
Telle que je suis,
La personne qui a pu évoluer,
Grâce à toi, à vous,
À tous nos petites et grandes expériences,
Aux défis,
Aux sacrifices,
Que sans vous,
je n'aurais jamais pu,
Même pas essayer!
Les douleurs qui sont devenus indouleurs!
Les chagrins qui sont transformés en joie!
Les peurs qui sont disparues!
Mon fils,
Mes fils,
Je t'aime,
Je vous aime,
Sans vous,
Je n'étais qu'un fruit inconnu,
Dans un monde invisible!
Je suis fière,
Je n'ai aucun regret,
Je me sens accomplie,
Je me sens complète,
Pleine de vie,
Pleine d'histoire,
Et, cela,
Grâce à vous,
Mon fils,
Mes chers fils!
Alors, merci,
Merci à toi,
Merci à vous,
Merci à nous,
Merci à la vie,
Pour le cadeau d'être une mère,
Une mère pour vous,
Et, ainsi,
Une mère tout simplement!
Avec une grande gratitude,
Je vous aime,
Je vous adore,
Je vous admire,
Et, ceci est plus sincère des cadeaux!
Shahrzad, 14 Juillet 2014
'Motherhood so colorful'-1-, Photo: Shahrzad Ghaffari, July 2014 |
Wednesday, 9 July 2014
Birch tree, here your message! 1st of July 2014
Forgotten Birch Tree calling upon the photographer!
While, passing by,
Watch me carefully,
Hear me:
<Life, has forgotten me!>
Say to your people,
Tell them,
That I am so desperate,
Being naked,
And, never my leaves grow no in spring,
Nor in summer!
Let them know,
Even though,
I do not feel alive,
But, I do not feel dead!
What am I suppose to do?
Where is my gardener?
To do something,
Cut me!
I am full of sadness,
So, isolated,
Oh, no, not fair for me!
My only friend,
My old friend,
My only visitor!
My birdy,
Is exhausted of singing for me,
The only hope song of its repertory!
My dear little birdy,
Go, somewhere else,
On a fruitful tree to sing your love songs,
Joyful songs,
At least, to be nourished!
Cause, I am giving up!
No more tears to drop,
No more hope to go on!
Do you hear me, the photographer!?!
You, who enjoy my beautiful branches in Winter,
It is not winter anymore,
Spring has come,
And is gone since the summer came!
I thought I needed to wait,
But, this is too long,
Something is wrong!
Please, be shocked,
I beg you to be sad,
Please, admit that,
Life has lost its memory,
And, figure out why!?!
Shahrzad Ghaffari, July.09.2014
It was 1st of July and I was driving toward Manoir and in rush to check if all the cars had been correctly parked and just a few meters from Manoir, I was stopped by this Birch tree and I found its magnificent branches in the beautiful blue sky so interesting. I said to myself,<It is worth to take at least a picture!>. And, I did, but later I noticed the bird on the top of the tree. I had a kind of strange feeling about the tree and suddenly I became conscious that it was already July and the poor tree did not have any of its leaves! It was sad but I was too busy to go further and forgot about it until now I was going to put some photos here but I crossed the Birch tree and all became so present. The Birch was not dead, and I had got its message. I sometimes, when in rush, keep the feeling of a fast interesting moment somewhere in my memory until making it alive and live it in an appropriate time! to give it more time. This is now the moment. Yes, I was sad about this tree and am still sad. An unfair situation!
While, passing by,
Watch me carefully,
Hear me:
Say to your people,
Tell them,
That I am so desperate,
Being naked,
And, never my leaves grow no in spring,
Nor in summer!
Let them know,
Even though,
I do not feel alive,
But, I do not feel dead!
What am I suppose to do?
Where is my gardener?
To do something,
Cut me!
I am full of sadness,
So, isolated,
Oh, no, not fair for me!
My only friend,
My old friend,
My only visitor!
My birdy,
Is exhausted of singing for me,
The only hope song of its repertory!
My dear little birdy,
On a fruitful tree to sing your love songs,
Joyful songs,
At least, to be nourished!
Cause, I am giving up!
No more tears to drop,
No more hope to go on!
Do you hear me, the photographer!?!
You, who enjoy my beautiful branches in Winter,
It is not winter anymore,
Spring has come,
And is gone since the summer came!
I thought I needed to wait,
But, this is too long,
Something is wrong!
Please, be shocked,
I beg you to be sad,
Please, admit that,
Life has lost its memory,
And, figure out why!?!
Shahrzad Ghaffari, July.09.2014
It was 1st of July and I was driving toward Manoir and in rush to check if all the cars had been correctly parked and just a few meters from Manoir, I was stopped by this Birch tree and I found its magnificent branches in the beautiful blue sky so interesting. I said to myself,<It is worth to take at least a picture!>. And, I did, but later I noticed the bird on the top of the tree. I had a kind of strange feeling about the tree and suddenly I became conscious that it was already July and the poor tree did not have any of its leaves! It was sad but I was too busy to go further and forgot about it until now I was going to put some photos here but I crossed the Birch tree and all became so present. The Birch was not dead, and I had got its message. I sometimes, when in rush, keep the feeling of a fast interesting moment somewhere in my memory until making it alive and live it in an appropriate time! to give it more time. This is now the moment. Yes, I was sad about this tree and am still sad. An unfair situation!
Wednesday, 2 July 2014
Gifts for Me!
Thanks to Life for being so generous to me for all its challenges, lessons, for my generous wise family and friends of Heart...Thanks to myself for being able to be open and keep my smile, my precious companion of Life, for being so present even in the toughest moments! Thanks to my wonderful sister Fariba for her endless encouragements from always, my family, friends and all those precious ones who helped me out, guiding me for express my commitments to Life, for letting me practice my skills of being helpful and open to the Grace...!
The most wonderful accomplishment for me is to be able to express truthfully.
I love this photo for a few reasons, first of all because Sepandat and Maziar are naturally themselves in this photo and because Bahram is the photographer!
It had been a big challenge for me is to encourage Bahram to express more his creativity!
<Our treasures, our sons>, Photo: Bahram Tajick, summer |
And, I chose this photo as one of the <best gifts> he could have ever offered to me!
Thank you my dear Bahram for this amazing photo even though you might not have thought I would take it this way!
<Feeling All>-2, Photo: Shahrzad Ghaffari, Westmount, June 2014 |
Running while being still,
Being still while being active!
Dynamism of Life is everywhere,
In every thing,
In any time,
While walking,
While watching,
While tasting,
My eyes travel,
My Mind traces,
My senses wake up,
My memories let them surrender to
The Conductor who is my Mind,
And let it happen...
I love it,
The dynamism of the stillness,
Where I travel through,
All is One,
One is All!
Through the crowd,
Through Silence!
Always ready,
To appear,
Like a child,
Or, like an old,
I can be wherever,
I can be whoever,
Who cares!
I am still here,
In a shape,
In a form,
In a movement,
Through the senses,
Or, only through the Mind!
Feeling Life,
In Me
In All!
Shahrzad Ghaffari, 02 July 2014
<Feeling All>-1, Photo: Shahrzad Ghaffari, Westmount, June 2014 |
<Feeling All>-4, Photo: Shahrzad Ghaffari, Westmount, June 2014 |
<Feeling All>-5, Photo: Shahrzad Ghaffari, Westmount, June 2014 |
<Feeling All>-6, Montreal, June 2013 |
<Feeling All>-3, Photo: Shahrzad Ghaffari, Westmount, June 2014 |
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Shahrzad est enchantée de votre visite et vous invite à partager votre art de sagesse,...
Bonjour aux Artistes et Artisans de la vie!!! C'est un grand plaisir de partager avec vous ma passion de vivre l'équilibre en harmonie avec la liberté grâce à la comprehension de ma place et la place de l'autrui dans cette univers...
Alros, je vous remercie pour être vous, pour votre générosité et l'ouverture, joignons à cette foire aux merveilles avec nos oeurves crées par la Passion et Tendresse pour la VIE...
Manoir Ville Marie, ce Cocoon de Paix pour beaucoup de clients réguliers qui y offrent leurs présences authentiques!!! Alors, dormir au Manoir Ville Marie est une expérience à la fois paisible et intéressante.
Participez au tirage d'un Certificat de Cadeau d'une nuit pour deux au Manoir Ville Marie':
Tous les deux mois, il vas avoir un tirage (le premier étant le pre,mier septembre 2011) et le nom du gagnant serait annoncé. sur ce weblog
*Racontez-moi un poème, une petite histoire de sagesse de maximum 500 mots, ou une photo, une peinture...
Je remerci mon très cher fils, Sépandat Stéphane (qui a le regardl très profond sur l'univers et ses êtres) pour m'avoir encourager (plutôt forcé) de faire ce blog en rapport avec mes amis Manoir Ville Marie.
Je remerci mon très cher fils, Maziar Marc (qui a le regard minutieux sur ll'univers et ses êtres) pour m'a aidé (plutôt forcer) d'avoir le courage d'apprendre comment faire ce weblog, toujours disponible pour sa mère, Maziar est un excellent guide et proffesseur.
Enfin, je remerci mon cher mari et compagnon de vie, Bahram Bernard pour m'encourage d'essayer de faire court et simple!!!
A cette étape de ma vie, je crois que la fiérté de l'être humain est dans sa Compréhension de l'Univers...et cette Compréhension nous guide vers la Conscience qui se manifeste souvent par les Arts, La Créativiyé ou nos Actions. Où La Paix est présente, elle y est présente également.
. Les textes et photos publiés sur ce blog sont mes propres créations et comme tous les arts peuvent être naîfs maintenant et plus mature plutard!!! Vous allez avoir une part précieux dans mon évolution artistique par vos commentaires.
. Je jongle entre trois langues, alors, pardonnez mes erreurs et si vous souhaitez apporter des corrections, j'en serais ravie (envoyez-moi vos corrections et je les appliquerez) et je vous en serrais très reconnaissante.
... Au fur et à mesure que vous allez me connaitre à travers mon regard sur la VIE, l'univers et le monde..
Je vous aime et j'ai hâte de vous décourvir par votre ART...
About Me
- Shahrzad
- Canada
- J'ai toujours été ravie de mon prénom Shahrzad شهرزاد qui avait été choisi par ma chère mére, un être exceptionnel que j'appelle madar en persan. Quand j'ai appris que Shahrzad voulait dire:'Caractère Libre', j'ai sourri...quand j'ai lu l'histoire de Shahrzad, j'ai encore sourri...et, quand j'ai appris que Shahrzad était dans la Perse antique la déesse de l'apprentissage (ou quelque chose similaire,à confirmer), j'ai me suis demandée comment ma mère savait que ce prénom allait tellement bien à sa fille Shahrzad!