'To my dear mother who is always a very loving person
my dear father who was a very loving person,
To my dear brother & wife,
To my dear sister & husband,
To my dear husband & myself,
To my dear cousins & husbands or wives (only one allowed!),
To all my dear friends & their husbands or wives (only one!),
To all dear couples or twos who are holding together and trying hard to keep their families together through
Compassion & Love...
'Good Luck',
Photo: Shahrzad Ghaffari, Feb.2014 |
And to dear those who are starting to know Love &
the dear most disappointed ones,
we all together are sending the seeds of Compassion & Love...'
Wishing you every moment of life full of Compassion and Love, Happy Valentine day!!!
'The Essance of Love',
Photo: Shahrzad Ghaffari, Feb.2014 |
Is you!
Is me!
Is her!
Is him!
Is us!
Love, you are such a smart independant energy that we all depend on you to survive,
You are sharper than a snake, a scorpion who sends its venons inside our blood,
Skillful enough to put the exact dose,
Offering its benefits without killing us....while, keep us in a coma!
Where nothing of what we know make anymore sens,
Except being with you, and with the one with whom we fall in love!!!
Consider yourself as a gift,
With whom we burn into flames,
'Rocky Mountains',
Photo: Shahrzad Ghaffari, Feb.2014 |
Without whom we freeze to death!
Can it be true that where-ever the fear is present,
You might be absent!?!
How do you decide, who & who, where & how?
And, do you only hit the brave hearts,
More the adventurors' eyes ?
The feelings you ancker so deeply,
Into those hearts,
Will remain alive forever and so...
So hard to believe that life without knowing you would be possible!
Your endless colors,
Blooming into eyes of your lovers...
'The Fruits of Love',
Photo: Shahrzad Ghaffari, Feb.2014 |
Your most beautiful harmonies,
Tickeling the ears of your lovers,
Magnifying them to each other,
The laziest,
Become the best dancers,
Flying to the endless lands,
And, Life becoming so precious,
To the eyes of the one who had once given it up!!!
There are certainly a few who have the password to go back and forth through your secrets,
You may know a few who use these endless essances for bringing the spring into the hearts of those many hopeless people,
Or, of those hurt lovers who are still so tied to their pains ...!!!
I admit that I have a secret to be revealed to you,
You never knew that I had planned to come to your land,
And steal some of your skills!
I had this plan for many years,
To get to you with the idea of leaving you without being hurt.
Did you know about this plan?
Did you know how frightened I was about the pain you could have caused me!
And, one day, when I was free and out of my mind,
You hit me directly, sharply into my chest,
To the deepest of my heart,
Suddenly I found myself there, to where I belonged to,
Became a complete eslave of yours,
My eyes, my lips, my ears, my thoughts...
All of me,
Lost in yours!
Even my breathing seemed no more belonging to me!
My eyes were covered by an endless veil of joy,
And my nose could only search for your perfumes...
I was lost and I wanted to be there, lost, in the land of no where while everywhere...
I travelled to the extreme of my senses,
I was touched to the depth of my soul....
And, how greatful I am toward you,
And of course to myself,
To let myself to surronder, ,
Please, do not be upset that I escaped,
Forgive me for my betrayal,
For bring your secrets as souvenirs in me,
This is what the creatives need to do...
Steal from you, your colors, your perfumes, your music..,
To be able to express Life, through their art!
I suppose you might not mind to let the artists be free to steal!
'The Art of Heart', Photo: Shahrzad Ghaffari, Feb.2014 |
It should be fun for you. to witness how to be be materialized by them!
I did not want to stay and be blocked inside an illusion,
I got you and so, Life is more meaningful & colorful,
Having you, fear has no place in!!
And so in sign of appreciation, let me invite people,
To love,
To have the dreams of you,
And, teach them how to eternalize you in their hearts!
'The Fireworks from the balcony of Manoir Ville Marie',
Photo: A guest of Manoir Ville Marie, photographer of National Post, New York, Feb.2012 |
Let me help them to understand that
You need 2 elements to manifest, such as
The Rain & the Sun to create rainbows...!
So, whenever the rain runs through my eyes,
I call the Sun in me to shine,
And, thousands of different rainbows appear to surprise me...
And, when the people ask me why I look so fascinated,
I reply, 'Because I Love'...
Shahrzad 14 february 2014
Thanks to those who had been gone through Love but are still suffering, to those who do not let Love manifest because they are fearful. Love for me has its own energy and needs two opposit elements to be manifested. Sometimes, it is right away and ends quite fast. Sometimes hits for longer time, and that is when a couple are deeply in love and do not know it because of the fear or some other reasons or patterns of life...
'The taste of Love, Photo: Shahrzad Ghaffari, Feb.2014 |
Those of us who are still holding together, remember that the love is there and sometimes for some reasons it becomes harder to feel it because the seeds of Love had been planted in deeper parts of our heart and need to be nourished, with trust and without fear...We deserve to love, and to be loved, sometimes it is not easy because we might not believe in Love at all. But, still Life is less meaningful if we do not let Love integrate into our life!
Let's be curious, be patient, be creative and make many impossibles possible through the process of Love...!
'The Mircle fruit', Photo: Shahrzad Ghaffari, Feb.2014 |